DEQ pushes more federal funding for climate pollution reduction


The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is taking advantage of another new EPA round of funding to reduce climate pollution and a deadline is approaching in a few weeks.

The DEQ stated the EPA recently announced funding opportunities for the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants and those interested in Oklahoma should be prepared to present their applications.

It’s called the Implementation Grants General Competition and is described as “highly competitive grant competition.” Funding is through the Inflation Reduction Act and those applying for the funds are to have their projects represented in a Priority Climate Action Plan.

Such plans, according to the DEQ announcement, will include an analysis of potential emissions reductions, community and workforce impacts and other co-benefits.

DEQ seeks additional input to identify implementation-ready projects to include in the PCAP for Oklahoma’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRGOK). Please use the following CPRGOK Project Form to submit details about your project no later than Friday, January 12, 2024: