Wyoming Senator blasts Biden over possible easing of sanctions on Venezuela

Biden's Venezuela giveaway funds dictatorship and hurts US energy producers  and consumers | Fox News


At least one U.S. Senator is blasting the Biden administration for its plan to ease economic and crude oil export sanctions on Venezuela.

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso is having nothing to do with it.

““Joe Biden’s energy policies put America last. On day one, he killed the Keystone XL pipeline. In week one, he blocked new federal oil and natural gas leasing. By year two, he sold off 40 percent of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve – taking it to its lowest level in forty years,” said the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

He accused Biden of easing sanctions on Iran which helped fund terrorism across the Middle East and now is desperate for anything to mask the consquences of reckless policies.

“His latest gimmick is to ease sanctions on Nicolas Maduro’s brutal regime in Venezuela. America should never beg for oil from socialist dictators or terrorists. For the sake of our energy workers and our allies, Joe Biden must work with us to unleash American energy,” said Senator Barrasso.

It’s not the first time he’s been critical of Biden over easing sanctions on Venezuela. On December 5, 2022 ranking member Barrasso teamed up with the ranking member Jim Risch (R-ID) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on an op-ed highlighting how easing sanctions on Venezuela is bad policy for the United States.

Ranking member Barrasso is a co-sponsor of the Venezuelan Democracy Act to condition U.S. sanctions on Venezuela based on specific democratic progress.