An Attorney General’s cautionary observation might have led to the Oklahoma Broadband Office to start all over in its proposed distribution of nearly $400 million to private companies for an expand of high-speed internet to rural Oklahoma.
Fox 25 News reported the Attorney General’s office had informed the Broadband Office that its tiered system of reviewing broadband proposals across the state might be challenged in court because it gave an unfair advantage to certain companies.
That apparently prompted BroadBand Office Director Mike Sanders to halt the progress and make another effort. And he promised there would be no political favoritism.
“This will be open and transparent,” he said. “This will absolutely be no backdoor deals. At all.”
In the interest of fairness, OK Energy Today is owned by Hilliary Communications, the firm mentioned in the Fox 25 News story.
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We showed the letter to Sanders and asked, “Why did a month go by after that warning? And it seems your board members didn’t have access to this. They were asking for the attorney general’s help.”