Oklahoma DEQ to seek $7 million from feds for drinking water revolving fund

Drinking Water SRF | Oklahoma Water Resources Board


The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is moving ahead with plans to seek more than $7 million in federal funding as part of the state’s 2024 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan and Project Priority Lists.

The DEQ announced plans to hold a pubic hearing for comments on the draft proposal. It will be held Monday, June 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the DEQ Multipurpose Room, 707 N Robinson Avenue in Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma’s DEQ has received $449,747,000 in federal appropriations since 1997 through 2022. The June hearing will be part of the state’s effort in applying for the FFY 2023 Capitalization Grant in the amount of $7,1700,000 approved by Congress.

The more than $7 million grant is not totally free to the state. Under the federal guidelines, Oklahoma will have to provide 20% matching funds for each capitalization grant as the federal payments are received.

A copy of the DWSRF draft plan will be available on the DEQ website at: https://www.deq.ok.gov/wp-content/uploads/water-division/Draft-IUP-SFY24.pdf. A copy may also be obtained by contacting Vicki Reed by phone at (405) 702-8128, or by e-mail at vicki.reed@deq.ok.gov, or by mail at Water Quality Division, DWSRF Section, Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 1677, Oklahoma City, OK  73101-1677.  The comment period will remain open until June 20, 2023.  For more information on this public meeting call Vicki Reed at: (405) 702-8128.