“Endangered” declaration for bat could stop wind projects in Wyoming

Before You Chop Down That Tree: Northern Long-Eared Bat Reclassified as  Endangered | Insights & Events | Bradley


The Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to list the long-eared bat as “endangered” not only was opposed by Oklahoma U.S. Sen. Markwayne Mullin, but now has caught the attention of others a few states away.

In declaring his opposition to the move, Sen. Mullin stated the decision would have serious consequences for infrastructure projects across Oklahoma.

Now it seems the decision already had those serious consequences in the state of Wyoming where some wind power projects are potentially affected reported the Sundance Times. 

The Times reported the decision by the Fish and Wildlife Service might mean numerous federal agencies will have to reinitiate consultation of more than 3,000 projects that could be affected in the bat’s 37-state range.

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