First there was the loss of a Tesla plant in Oklahoma, then Panasonic picked Kansas over Oklahoma.
It’s clear Kansas is on a roll as the state just picked up another major investment–a nearly $2 billion semiconductor manufacturing plant that will create 1,200 jobs
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly announced this week that EMP Shield manufacturing will locate the plant in Burlington. EMP Shield is considered an industry leader in protecting electronic devices from destructive magnetic pulses.
The company will invest $1.9 billion in the computer chip manufacturing plant with the creation of more than 1,000 jobs that will pay about $66,000 a year.
The announcement followed one earlier in the year by Integra Technologies to build a new semiconductor factory near Wichita.
“The fact that we have not one but two projects like this shows that we have the enormous potential here in Kansas,” said the governor in announcing the EMP decision.
“If we continue our laser focus on supporting our businesses like EMP shield, we can unlock that potential and open the door to a new phase of growth for Kansas.”