Rep. Lucas says he’s ‘coming home’ to House Ag Committee


When Oklahoma Congressman Frank Lucas said Monday he was “coming home,” he didn’t mean to Oklahoma.

Lucas was referring to his appointment this week back on the House Agriculture Committee, the one he chaired in 2011 to 2015.

Ag Committee chairman Rep. Glenn Thompson announced the selection of Republicans to the committee and Lucas was one of them.

“I’m coming home to the Ag Committee,” said Congressman Frank Lucas. “I’m proud in the 118th Congress that I’ll be returning to the House Agriculture Committee. Since being elected to Congress in 1994, I’ve been a Member of the Agriculture Committee, having had a hand in writing every Farm Bill since 1996 and serving as Chairman of the Committee from 2011 to 2015 crafting the landmark 2014 Farm Bill.
“At a time when strengthening safety nets and accounting for higher input costs are a necessity, it’s the responsibility of the Committee to work across the aisle to craft a comprehensive 2023 Farm Bill, ensuring America’s farmers, ranchers, and families have the tools and resources they need to grow the food and fiber and thrive in a 21st century America,” added Rep. Lucas.
Congressman Lucas added, “I’m also delighted that in the 118th Congress I’ll be returning to the House Financial Services Committee as the longest-serving Republican on Committee. Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District is capital intensive- agriculture and energy require vast and responsible investment opportunities where the strengthen and health of the U.S. economy is sound. I look forward to working with Chairman McHenry and my colleagues, serving as a bridge between the Agriculture Committee and the Financial Services Committee, as we work to develop a clear framework for digital assets and fintech as well as strengthening capital formation opportunities across our economy.”
Lucas was elected by the House Republican Conference to Chair the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology in the 118th Congress. From 2011 to 2015, Lucas served as the Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, where he led the passage of the 2014 Farm Bill. Since his election in 1994, Lucas has been a Member of the House Committee on Financial Services, serving as the longest-serving Republican on the Committee.