Enel Green Power opens new office and training center in OKC


As the number two wind energy operator in Oklahoma, Enel Green Power recently held a grand opening of new offices in Oklahoma City.

The company has a $3 billion wind portfolio in the state, operates 11 wind farms in Oklahoma with two more under construction and the Oklahoma City office located at  525 NW 11th Street, Suite 204, is considered a key regional office.

What makes the office unique is that it also is a training space in Oklahoma City’s Midtown.


The new office space includes classrooms as well as a state-of-the art simulation facilities for working inside wind turbines.

Courses will include topics like safety, professional development, working at heights, ladder rescues, turbine repair and troubleshooting. Trainees will learn in multiple settings including classroom discussion, hands-on simulation and virtual reality. Oklahoma’s wind workers will simulate the experience of climbing and maintaining a wind turbine with trainings held year-round right in the heart of Midtown OKC.

The new office is also an expansion for Enel as it will have the capacity to support up to 25 OKC-based workers. Enel has more than 100 positions open across a variety of remote and inperson Oklahoma roles. In addition to hosting employees, the company said the convenient location in the heart of OKC will allow it to engage with state and local stakeholders from across Oklahoma and host meetings and events.

In announcing the new offices, Enel Green Power explained it will also be used in helping local partners across the state. The company has provided more than $2 million in voluntary support in addition to the tens of millions of dollars its projects generated in local tax revenue and payments to landowners.

The classroom and meeting space in the new Midtown office will allow Enel to welcome school groups and other community organizations to learn about renewable energy and STEM concepts first-hand from our experts and education partners.

The new office site will also include two Enel  Way electric vehicle charges to bring more smart EV charging availability to downtown OKC.

Enel explained the buildout of the office space followed the company’s Sustainable Construction Site model to minimize waste and use of resources.

Source: press release