Oklahoma electricity affordability ranked 11th best in US

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Oklahoma gets high rankings when it comes to energy affordability according to a new report by  utility watchdog, the Citizens Utility Board.

In its Electric Utility Performance review, CUB ranked Oklahoma 11 among the states, based on the Affordability Ranking. But it was ranked number 1 nationally for electricity cost per Kilowatt-hour for all customers and number 3 in the U.S. for the electricity cost per Kilowatt-hour for residential customers.

The CUB report ranked Oklahoma 25 for annual electricity expenditures and 38 for total household electricity costs as a percentage of income. The state was ranked 15 for cost of household energy expenditures.

CUB issued the rankings for all 50 states based on publicly available data and used three core standards, affordability, reliability and environmental responsibility.

Why Is My Electric Bill So High? | EnergySage

The average Oklahoma residential monthly electricity bill in 2019, according to the new report was $114 while the lowest in the nation was Utah with an average of $76. Utah was also ranked number one for the best energy affordability.

The 2019 average annual residential electricity expenditures in Utah were $908 while in Oklahoma, it was $1,367. The highest expense was in Hawaii with an annual cost of $2,018.