Rep. Hern says Biden should bear blame of higher energy costs

McCongressman' Kevin Hern Gets a Large Order of PPP - Bloomberg


Oil prices in Europe hit $100 a barrel late Wednesday night after Russia launched its invasion of eastern Ukraine, firing missiles into Kiev and other cities.

It came as the Biden administration warned of higher energy costs  and Oklahoma Congressman Kevin Hern says if anyone should bear the blame, it is President Joe Biden.

“The crisis we’re seeing today was hurting Americans long before Russia invaded Ukraine, and it’s going to be an issue as long as Biden is in office,” said Rep. Hern in a statement to OK Energy Today.

“Biden crippled our ability to produce oil, eliminating our capacity not only to provide energy to our own people, but also to export oil to European countries as an alternative to Russian sources.”

Rep. Hern questions why everyday Americans are paying the price for the war on fossil fuels by Biden and what he calls “socialist Democrats.”

“Democrats seem unwilling to look inward and connect the dots on cause and effect, which augurs further hardship for American families in the future.” 

You Decide: Foreign Oil Dependence

The Republican from Tulsa hasn’t forgotten that Biden started his presidency with several executive orders targeting the country’s oil production, something he says increased reliance on foreign oil.

Hern said the Biden administration has blamed OPEC, Russia “and anyone but themselves” while simultaneously raising concerns about rising energy costs.