Corporation Commission to hold regular meeting

Changes coming to all Oil and Gas Conservation Division forms


Oklahoma regulators will hold a regular meeting Tuesday, Feb. 1 at 9:30 a.m. to discuss, review and hold votes on a number of issues.

The following is part of the agenda:

Discussion of and possible vote(s) on an Administrative, Judicial, and Legal Services Division Staff recommendation to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, that would be numbered RM 202200001, to consider amending Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) Title 165, Chapter 5, Rules of Practice.

Discussion of and possible vote(s) on an Oil and Gas Conservation Division Staff recommendation to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, that would be numbered RM 202200002, to consider amending Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) Title 165, Chapter 10, Oil and Gas Conservation.

Discussion of and possible vote(s) on a proposed final order in Cause No. PUD 202100081, Application of Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corporation for approval of its Performance Based Rate Plan Adjustments for the twelve months ended December 31, 2020, and/or any alterations, revisions, or amendments thereto proposed at the meeting.

Cause No. OSF 201900316, Application of Brandy L. Wreath, Administrator of the Oklahoma Universal Service Fund, Seeking to Establish an Assessment Factor for the Oklahoma Universal Service Fund and Determine a New Assessment Methodology:

A. Pursuant to Interim Order No. 719918, reopen the Cause to
1. Receive from the Oklahoma Universal Service Fund (OUSF) Administrator an updated progress report, including whether companies are directly passing the connections-based assessment through to customers and the average amount of the pass-through charge per customer during the most recent reporting month; and/or
2. Provide any additional instruction/guidance to the Administrator and/or
B. Discussion of, possible input on, and possible vote(s) on a proposed Second Interim Order and/or any alterations, revisions, or amendments thereto proposed at the meeting

IX Discussion of and possible vote(s) to appoint a successor and/or Acting Commission Secretary(ies), including a discussion of the responsibilities and duties of these positions.