Biden denies he will ban fracking


Presidential hopeful Joe Biden once again reiterated over the weekend he would not ban fracking, despite comments from President Donald Trump accusing him of targeting the oil and gas production technology.

“I am not, not, not banning fracking. Period,” Biden said from Erie, Pa. The comments come as Trump has repeatedly tried to sow doubt about Biden’s stance on the issue in crucial swing states like Pennsylvania reported POLITICO.

The claim by his critics continues to nag Biden as he campaigns again for the Presidency. When Sen. Elizabeth Warren ran for the Democratic nomination, she announced she would ban fracking if she were elected President. Of course, that didn’t sit well with Oklahoma oil and gas producers, especially since Warren’s hometown is Norman and some of her detractors thought she might have a better understanding of their industry.

“They talk about fracking like it was the greatest sin on Earth, then they get the nomination and now they’re talking about they want to do fracking,” Trump said last week during his two-hour visit to Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.

The president was also asked by Limbaugh to explain the practice. “Basically it’s getting energy out of the ground really efficiently and getting every drop of it. It’s created wealth for our country like you wouldn’t believe,” he said.

“…They drill sideways. They can drill up and down and around. It’s unbelievable, if you ever watched this process, and they just suck stuff out of the ground.”