Regulators want public input on electrical restructuring


The Oklahoma Corporation Commission is asking for public input regarding electrical restructuring as it works on development of energy resources in the state in order to make a presentation to the upcoming legislature.

In an announcement this week, Brandy Wreath, Director of the Commission’s Public Utility Division said the electrical restructuring was a last-minute addition following the agency’s action on recommendations stemming from the Oklahoma Academy 2019 Town Hall “Oklahoma Energy: Optimizing Our Resources for the Future.”

He explained that since August 20 when the commission opened what is called a Notice of Inquiry to identify and examine issues regarding maximizing available or developing resources in the state, the commission became aware of the efforts of some to add electrical restructuring.

As a result, the Public Utilities Division is asking for public comment about the topic. One question raised by the PUD is if electrical restructuring that would allow customers to choose their electrical power to be implemented in the state, is it viable and if so, what should it look like?

The original town hall resulted in the agency opening a Notice of Inquiry that included battery storage, renewable natural gas and related infrastructure, increased bill information, statewide utility rate transparency and reporting, utility related eminent domain best practices, electric and Compressed Natural Gas vehicles.

The PUD will take the public comments past the original submission date of Oct. 19, 2020.