OU Energy Institute to explore demands for elimination of fossil fuels



In response to the impact of pandemic-related global demand destruction for energy resources, the University of Oklahoma Energy Institute is launching a new webcast series Monday, June 15, at 12:00pm.

The complimentary series will be available online at price.ou.edu/energywebcast. The premier episode will feature Mr. Scott Sheffield, President and CEO of Pioneer Natural Resources, who will be interviewed by Bruce Stover, longtime Energy Institute board member, and Price Executive MBA in Energy alumnus John Westerheide of Ming Energy Partners.

Future episodes will cover numerous guests and topics from the energy sector, including hydrocarbon, renewables and energy in transition.

An Industry in Acute Crisis: Challenges and Responses
A Conversation with Scott Sheffield

Premiering 12:00pm CT on Monday, June 15 at price.ou.edu/energywebcast.

Source: OU Energy Institute