The Oklahoma State House of Representatives received 88 interim studies proposals before the June 26, 2020 deadline. As expected, several requests covered the COVID-19 pandemic and a dozen relate directly to the state’s energy industry. Here’s the complete list of Oklahoma House interim studies requests for 2020:
20-001 Delisting and Assignment of Benefits (Rep. Avery Frix)
20-002 Private Property (Rep. Jim Grego)
20-003 Utility Installation Under ODOT Jurisdiction (Rep. Jim Grego)
20-004 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 54 and 58 (Rep. Jim Grego)
20-005 Administrative Rules Process (Rep. Tom Gann and Rep. Denise Crosswhite-Hader)
20-006 Law Enforcement Reform (Rep. Regina Goodwin)
20-007 Increase Access to Retirement Savings Tools (Rep. Marcus McEntire)
20-008 A Bipartisan Examination of State Government’s Role and Possible Legislative Action In Regard To Improving Race Relations in Oklahoma (Rep. Mike Osburn and Rep. Monroe Nichols/Sen. Adam Pugh and Sen. Kevin Matthews)
20-009 Long-Term Care and COVID-19 – Current and Future Needs (Rep. Tammy West)
20-010 County Funding/County Road Funding (Rep. Ty Burns)
20-011 Stolen Valor (Rep. Ty Burns)
20-012 Meat Inspector (Rep. Ty Burns)
20-013 How Play-Based Learning Leads to Better Mental Health and Better Academic Outcomes (Rep. Jacob Rosecrants)
20-014 Benefits of Violence De-escalation Training for Teachers; Help Divert Harm While Attending to the Needs of Students in Trauma (Rep. Trish Ranson)
20-015 Economic Policies in Oklahoma (Rep. Emily Virgin)
20-016 Elections and Voting in Oklahoma (Rep. Emily Virgin)
20-017 Utilization of Form 613 as the Standard Disclosure Form and Established as a Confirmed Consumer Protection Document (Rep. Nicole Miller)
20-018 Medical-Legal Partnership (Rep. Carol Bush)
20-019 Modernization of Rules of Discovery and Freedom of Information Requests with Legal Community Input (Rep. Ken Luttrell)
20-020 Bilingual Funding, Testing, Qualifying, School Procedures, Transparency and Accountability (Rep. Sheila Dills)
20-021 Transportation Funding in Changing Virtual Environment, Funding for Schools Utilizing City Transit Systems and 1.5-Mile Rule for Transportation (Rep. Sheila Dills)
20-022 Therapists’ Right to Help Those with Unwanted Same Sex Attractions and the Right of Clients to Receive this Therapy (Rep. Jim Olsen)
20-023 The Epidemic of Opioid Abuse as it Pertains to the Accessibility of Loperamide, an OTC, Opioid-Based Anti-diarrheal Medication (Rep. Cyndi Munson)
20-024 Review of Oklahoma’s Law Concerning Individuals Who Have Been Diagnosed with Epilepsy and Operate a Motor Vehicle (Rep. Danny Sterling)
20-025 The Need to Expand the Scope of Physical Education in Public Schools (Rep. Danny Sterling)
20-026 Cottage Law Reform (Rep. Dell Kerbs)
20-027 Rural Fire/County Emergency Management Overlap and Proper Response (Rep. Trey Caldwell)
20-028 Diversifying Consumer Food Availability (Rep. Garry Mize)
20-029 Examining the Eviction Rates in Oklahoma, Both Pre- and Post- COVID-19. Exploring Solutions that Benefit Landlord and Tenant (Rep. Melissa Provenzano and Rep. John Waldron)
20-030 Data and Privacy Regulations (Rep. Josh West and Rep. Collin Walke)
20-031 Beyond the Box: Equity in Admissions in Oklahoma (Rep. Trish Ranson and Rep. Melissa Provenzano)
20-032 Restorative Justice (Rep. Tammy West)
20-033 Transportation Electrification: Planning Considerations for Oklahoma (Rep. Brian Hill)
20-034 Tourism in Oklahoma: Efficiency and Growth (Rep. Brian Hill)
20-035 Law Enforcement Reform (Rep. Monroe Nichols)
20-036 ANTIFA (Rep. Kevin West)
20-037 Market Analysis for Future COLAs (Rep. Avery Frix)
20-038 Building Literacy in Oklahoma: Building a Stronger Future and Workforce (Rep. Mike Sanders)
20-039 Building Literacy in Oklahoma: Building a Stronger Future and Workforce (Rep. Mike Sanders)
20-040 Creation of Statewide Emergency Radio System for State, County, Local and Tribal Authorities (Rep. Ross Ford and Rep. Stan May)
20-041 Employment Issues Related to COVID-19 (Rep. Forrest Bennett)
20-042 Cosmetology and Barbering License Process (Rep. Forrest Bennett)
20-043 Responsibilities and Powers of County Commissioners (Rep. Kevin West)
20-044 Catastrophic Health Emergency Powers Act (Rep. Kevin West)
20-045 Connectivity of Broadband in Relation to Oklahoma Schools/E-Rates Federal Grant (Rep. Rhonda Baker)
20-046 Regional States/Oklahoma’s Educational Response/Plan to COVID-19 (Rep. Rhonda Baker)
20-047 Hospice Care Within DOC (Rep. Chad Caldwell and Rep. Cynthia Roe)
20-048 Infant/Maternal Mortality Rates in Oklahoma (Rep. Monroe Nichols)
20-049 Absenteeism: How Will Students and Schools be Impacted by COVID-19 (Rep. Sherrie Conley)
20-050 Teacher’s Health Insurance, Retirement, Retirement Credit and Flexible Benefits (Rep. Toni Hasenbeck)
20-051 EMS and Ambulance Response Time (Rep. Cynthia Roe)
20-052 Maintenance of Right of Way to Private Drives Across ODOT Boundaries (Rep. Todd Russ)
20-053 Investigation of Substantial Revenue Loss in Oklahoma Due to Raised Sales Tax on Automobiles at 1.25% and Implemented in 2017 (Rep. Todd Russ)
20-054 Moving Payment in DHS Subsidy Program for Childcare (Rep. Todd Russ)
20-055 Complaint System for Childcare Centers and Homes (Rep. Todd Russ)
20-056 Damages to Personal Property Caused by Searches of Incorrect Home Addresses or Vehicles Performed by Law Enforcement (Rep. Todd Russ)
20-057 Exploration of Student and School Improvement Models and Digital Improvement Platform (Rep. Mark McBride and Rep. Toni Hasenbeck)
20-058 Need for Healthy In and Out of Network Model for Competition (Rep. Lewis Moore)
20-059 Options to the High Cost of Health Insurance (Rep. Lewis Moore)
20-060 First Responders and Mental Health (Rep. Lewis Moore)
20-061 Rural Connectivity and Broadband Expansion (Rep. Lundy Kiger)
20-062 Updating School Curriculum to Reflect the Needs of Today’s Society (Rep. Lundy Kiger)
20-063 Parking Fees for State Parks (Rep. Lundy Kiger)
20-064 Blended and Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Rep. John Waldron)
20-065 New Teacher Recruitment and Training (Rep. John Waldron and Rep. Kelly Albright)
20-066 The A-F Rubric for School Assessment (Rep. John Waldron and Rep. Melissa Provenzano)
20-067 State Investment in Entrepreneurship to Restart the State’s Economy Post COVID-19 (Rep. Monroe Nichols)
20-068 Labor Trafficking’s Impact on Oklahoma Families (Rep. Derrel Fincher)
20-069 Public/Private Social Change Partnerships (Rep. Monroe Nichols)
20-070 Examine Options for Cities and Town to Secure Funding to Construct/Repair/Maintain Roads and Bridges that are Impacted by the Energy Industry (Rep. Brad Boles; Rep. David Perryman; Rep. Cynthia Roe; and Rep. Sherrie Conley)
20-071 Municipal Response During a Declared Emergency (Rep. Chad Caldwell)
20-072 Using Mobile Technology to Provide Confidential, Real-Time Crisis/Trauma Debriefing and Counseling Services to LEOs From Their Vehicle, Office or Home (Rep. Derrel Fincher)
20-073 Updating Portions of States Antiquated Sales Tax Code (Rep. Kyle Hilbert)
20-074 Pandemic Preparedness/Healthcare (Rep. Sean Roberts)
20-075 Housing Choice Voucher Mobility (Rep. Andy Fugate and Rep. Tammy Townley)
20-076 Eminent Domain, Just Compensation and the Landowners Bill of Rights (Rep. Kenton Patzkowsky)
20-077 The Truth About Electric Cars (Rep. Denise Brewer)
20-078 Balancing ACES, Behavior and Suspension (Rep. Sherrie Conley)
20-079 Poultry Management Guidelines (Rep. Dell Kerbs)
20-080 Examine Oklahoma’s Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) Program (Rep. Cyndi Munson)
20-081 Police Protection and Officer Rights (Rep. Justin Humphrey)
20-082 Food Desserts (Rep. Ajay Pittman)
20-083 Infant Mortality (Rep. Ajay Pittman)
20-084 Criminal Justice Reform (Rep. Ajay Pittman)
20-085 Police Brutality (Rep. Ajay Pittman)
20-086 Mental Health (Rep. Ajay Pittman)
20-087 A Review of the Status of Human Rights Protections and Tracking Including Relevant Statutes, Enforcement Mechanisms and Responsible Oversight (Rep. Chelsey Branham)
20-088 Economic Tools that are Utilized in the State to Stabilize the Economy and Other Potential Strategies that May Help to Provide Stability Assistance (Rep. Chelsey Branham)
Senate interim study proposals must be submitted by Friday, July 10, 2020. Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat will assign each study to a Senate standing committee. The committee chair will coordinate with the sponsoring legislator to determine whether the study will be held.
The approval deadline for both House and Senate interim studies proposals is July 24, 2020 at which time approved studies will be assigned to a particular committee.