Williams grades its work on the environment, integrity and socially


Tulsa’s Williams Companies released its 2018 Sustainability Report and stated its energy program played an important role in helping the U.S. reduce emissions.

The company said it is also eager to “continue to help the nation meet its climate goals with low carbon natural gas solutions that are ready now.”

The Sustainability report covered the company’s performance on environmental, social and governance programs and initiatives.

“Running our business in a way that is sustainable is an expected behavior at Williams. This report provides transparency into how we do that, every day,” said Alan Armstrong, president and chief executive officer at Williams. “We also recognize the important role natural gas can play in helping to address environmental concerns about air quality and climate change, particularly when it comes to displacing other higher-emission fuels, both domestically and globally, and are pleased to report on our progress in this area.”

Here is how the company reported on its review of its operations:

  • Environment. As the company develops and operates large-scale energy infrastructure, we incorporate environmental considerations into our decision-making. We take care to reduce emissions, safeguard biodiversity and manage natural resources responsibly.
    • We reduced our reported methane emissions from gas processing plants and transmission compressor stations more than 53% since 2012.
    • We submitted a proposal to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to execute a voluntary Transco Emissions Reduction Program projected to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by an estimated 72%.
    • We joined the ONE Future coalition, a group of natural gas companies working to voluntarily reduce methane emissions associated with the production, processing, transmission and distribution of natural gas.
  • Social. We operate in a manner that protects our employees and contractors while safeguarding the public. We also recognize our responsibility to positively impact local communities through trusted relationships, meaningful investments and economic opportunities.
    • We performed better than the industry benchmark for Total Recordable Injury Rate and had a 50% reduction in process safety incidents from 2017 to 2018.
    • We decreased recordable injuries by 25% compared to 2017.
    • We contributed $9.4 million to nearly 2,000 charitable organizations across the country and our employees volunteered a total of 17,545 hours with charitable organizations.
    • We spent $3.5 million on training for our employees.
    • 27% of management roles were held by women and ethnically diverse employees.
    • We maintain positive, lasting relationships with nearly 85,000 landowners across the U.S.
  • Governance. We act ethically and with integrity. We actively engage with shareholders and other stakeholders to communicate our viewpoints and performance on topics that impact our business results.
    • We developed a formal Human Rights Policy and Statement that outlines our commitment to respect human rights and avoid complicity in human rights abuses.
    • Currently, 25% of our board of directors are female.