The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission has started taking applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance in seven more counties hit by severe weather and flooding last month.
Under Presidential Disaster Declaration (FEMA-4438-DR)
amended 6-11-19, workers who lost their jobs and self-employed individuals who have been unable to work due to the
disaster in Delaware, Kay, Mayes, Okmulgee, Payne, Pottawatomie, and Sequoyah Counties may be eligible for
Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits.
Applications for DUA must be submitted by July 15, 2019. Applications submitted after that date will be considered untimely, unless the individual provides good cause for filing after the deadline.
Before filing for DUA, OESC must determine state eligibility before determining eligibility for DUA. All individuals must
file a regular state unemployment insurance claim by going to
Individuals affected by the recent storms in Muskogee, Tulsa and Wagoner counties have until July 5, 2019 to submit an
application for DUA. Those affected by the recent storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes, in Canadian, Creek, Logan,
Osage, Ottawa, Rogers, and Washington Counties have until July 10, 2019