Corn farmers in Iowa and other states have to be smiling after President Trump pushed a plan this week to expand the use of ethanol in gasoline.
The President’s plan pushes a proposal to allow year-round sales of gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol, known as E15.
E15 had previously been restricted under air pollution requirements between June 1 and Sept. 15 because science has indicated that burning ethanol in warmer weather leads to higher ground-level ozone pollution and smog. This new plan would remove those sales barriers.
Also under the plan, Trump will make it harder for refiners to trade credits for biofuel use known as renewable identification numbers (RINs) according to a report in The Hill.
Currently, refiners and importers of natural gas must blend their fuels with ethanol before sale or purchase RINs sold on the market.
The administration’s RIN reform would include requiring public disclosure of RIN, limit the length of time that nonrefineries or importers can hold a RIN and improve compliance obligations on a more frequent basis. The White House last October directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to initiate a rulemaking to expand waivers for E15 and change way RINs were traded on the market. Tuesday’s proposed rule very closely resembles the plan put forth by Trump.
The EPA on Tuesday said it will be looking for public comment on the rule and will hold a public hearing March 29.
“Consistent with President Trump’s direction, EPA is working to propose and finalize these changes by the summer driving season,” EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in a statement. “We will be holding a public hearing at the end of this month to gather important feedback.”
Trump has long hinted at his plans to expand the ethanol market, a promise he first made during his presidential campaign.
Last July, he said he was “very close” to allowing higher ethanol content in gasoline.
The ethanol industry has long pushed for a waiver from the EPA that would allow fuel stations to sell E15. Currently, most gasoline sold in the U.S. contains 10 percent ethanol, with about 1 percent of filling stations selling E15.
“I stuck with ethanol, most of the other candidates weren’t there,” Trump said in July.
Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt had planned to allow E15 sales year-round as part of a deal between oil and corn interests to change how the administration enforces the federal mandate to blend ethanol into gasoline.
But that deal fell apart amid corn-state opposition to allowing ethanol exports to count toward the federal mandate, effectively reducing the mandate.
The ethanol industry hailed Trump’s plan Tuesday, calling it a cleaner fuel choice for American.
“This rule is a critical milestone for rural Americans who make renewable biofuels and for all American drivers, who may soon have a cleaner, more affordable, higher-octane fuel all year long,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor in a statement.
Supporters called the move a win for American farmers.