Oklahoma Senate Approves Another Anti-Energy Tax Credit Bill


A Wednesday vote by the Oklahoma Senate has only shored up the state’s image of targeting some of Oklahoma’s new energy industries.

Without debate on Wednesday, the Oklahoma Senate adopted a restriction on the olar  industry, passing a bill to extend indefinitely a $25 million cap on tax credits to solar energy operators.

Sen. Marty Quinn, who led an unsuccessful effort this week to eliminate refundability of the wind tax credits, led the effort for SB 893.

The vote was 31-8 in  support of the measure. The Oklahoma House had voted 66-26 in April to approve the bill.

The bill focuses on tax credits for electricity generated by zero-emission facilities. It was an amendment to the law that relates to the Investment/New Jobs Income Tax Credit and removes the expiration of the $25 million statewide cap and how the cap is administered.

A fiscal impact statement from he Tax commission did not include an estimated cost or savings .

“There is an unknown impact to income tax collections in FY19 and FY20 as a result of this measure,” offered the Commission when the statement was issued in February.

While the measure targeted the solar industry, which is just getting started in Oklahoma, Mark Yates with the Wind Coalition was critical.

He lamented how the legislature is going after solar just like it has the wind industry, “Even before it’s had a chance to get its legs on the ground.”

Here is how the Senate voted on the solar tax credit measure.


    SENATE BILL 893            Revenue and taxation; tax credits for

    Quinn                      electricity generated by zero- emission

                               facilities; imposing cap on tax credits;

                               authorizing carryover of unused credits;

                               requiring report from Tax Commission and

                               Secretary of Energy and Environment.


         YEAS:   31                                            RCS#  649

         NAYS:    8                                            5/02/2018

         EXC :    8                                             10:18 AM

         N/V :    0

         VAC :    1

    YEAS:   31

    Allen             Daniels           Paxton            Shaw

    Bass              David             Pederson          Simpson

    Bergstrom         Dugger            Pemberton         Smalley

    Bice              Fields            Pugh              Standridge

    Boggs             Fry               Quinn             Sykes

    Brecheen          Jech              Rader             Thompson

    Brown             Leewright         Rosino            Yen

    Dahm              McCortney         Sharp

    NAYS:    8

    Brooks            Floyd             Ikley-Freeman     Murdock

    Dossett           Griffin           Kidd              Pittman

    EXCUSED:    8

    Matthews          Schulz            Silk              Stanislawski

    Newhouse          Scott             Sparks            Treat

    N/V :    0