A new government report has been released stating that the herbicide glyphosate does not cause cancer and Sen. Jim Inhofe says it was long overdue.
“The Agricultural Health Study confirms what we already knew—there is no link between glyphosate exposure and cancer,” said the Senator after the study was published by the National Institute of Health in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
The study was widely considered to be the preeminent study on glyphosate exposure in humans and determined that glyphosate was not a carcinogen.
“This only echoes the findings of the EPAs Scientific Advisory Panel and the European Chemicals Agency, both of which have also determined that glyphosate is not a carcinogen,” said Inhofe. “These findings reaffirm my concern that the previous administration purposefully withheld the release of this report while they refused to finish glyphosate’s registration review.”
He said he hoped with the new report and new leadership of the EPA that the long overdue registration review will be completed.