Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin this week moved to create a broadband network for the state’s first responders.
She signed an opt-in letter with FirstNet and ATT to strengthen public safety and increase emergency preparedness by making Oklahoma part of the National Broadband Network.
“Today is a good day for Oklahoma as we opt in to FirstNet and give our first responders the broadband network they need to excel at their jobs,” said the Governor.
The move will transform the way first responders communicate and share information. It will provide them with access to the modernized devices, apps, tools and other resources allowing them to operate faster, safer and more effectively.
FirstNet was established by Congress in 2012 and deploys the first-ever broadband network for use by public safety agencies across the nation. ATT will build, operate and maintain the highly-secure wireless broadband communications network for the state’s public safety agencies at no additional cost to the state.