Oklahoma developer Grant Humphreys, a man who founded his own town at Lake Eufaula will be one of those testifying Tuesday before a U.S. Senate Subcommittee hearing exploring water resources.
He will go before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee subcommittee in a hearing to be chaired by Oklahoma U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe.
The hearing is entitled “Water Resources: The Role of the Public and Private Sectors.” Testimony will begin at 1:30 p.m. Oklahoma time.
Humphreys will testify about founding Carlton Landing, a small town along the shores of Lake Eufaula. It was a project dating back 40 years by his grandmother. But Grant Humphreys and family moved to Lake Eufaula nearly 8 years ago and created the little town.
Among others who will testify about water resources are: Lt. .Gen. Todd Semonite of the Army Corps of Engineers; James K. Lyons, director and CEO of the Alabama State Port Authority; Peter K. Rahn, Maryland Secretary of Transportation; and Rick Goche, Commissioner of the Port of Bandon.