Coal Cleaning Experiment Successful in Eastern Oklahoma Power Plant


Thanks to a coal-cleaning experiment in a southeast Oklahoma coal-fired power plant, New York-based Clean Coal Technologies is taking the project to Wyoming where it will be carried out in a larger base.

As the Oklahoman reported Tuesday, the company is expanding its efforts to clean coal before it’s burned. And the project at the AES Shady Point plant just north of Poteau in eastern Oklahoma will relocate to Wyoming in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy and the states of Wyoming and Montana.

“We have two or three more tests we have to do for investors coming in from Australia, Indonesia and India,” explained Robin Eves, CEO at Clean Coal Technologies. “We’re going to complete those in the next 60 to 90 days.”

The story explained that Clean Coal Technologies is focused on cleaning the coal at the mine before it is transported to power plants to be burned.  The project focuses on the cleaning of the coal rather than relying on costly scrubbers at the power plants.