The weather’s been brutal over the past few weeks in Oklahoma but we apparently have short memories. Just ask Gary McManus, State Climatologist with the Oklahoma Mesonet.
He notes that Kingfisher leads the way so far in the past month with four days of 100-degree weather or higher. And most of that heat has been focused in north central Oklahoma. More of it is in the forecast for another day or two this week.
“That’s fairly wimpy, however, when you compare it to this same time frame back during the brutal summer of 2011,” wrote McManus in Wednesday’s Mesonet report.
Remember how hot it got in 2011? His maps point out that southern Oklahoma had 28 days of 100 degree weather or greater. But McManus says there is some good news because the ridge of high pressure keeping the state in the pressure cooker is forecast to shift to the west “which should put us in line for some more favorable conditions with a chance for some rain.”