House Interim Studies to Include Focus on Oil and Gas Drilling and Wastewater Options


Oklahoma House Speaker Jeff Hickman on Monday approved 71 interim studies requested by State Representatives.

He chose to combine 32 of the 71 requested studies to make 13 individual studies, setting the state for 52 difference hearings if all of the interim study requests are heard.

Two requests focus on oil and gas drilling and wastewater in the state. The two will be heard by the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. A request by Rep. Steve Kouplen will focus on examining restrictions on the location of habitable structures and the owner of the structure’s property rights when it comes to oil and gas drilling.

Another request came from Rep. Richard Morrissette, who is term limited and recently dropped out of the race as a Democratic candidate for Corporation Commissioner. He sought and won approval of a request to study options for wastewater recycling.  Wastewater injection wells are strongly believed to be the cause of earthquake surges in the state. They have also been targeted by the State Corporation Commission for reduce operations.