Transportation Commissioners to meet Monday


The new Oklahoma legislative session will be on the topic Monday when the Oklahoma Transportation Commission holds its February meeting.

Items to be addressed at the meeting:

  • The Oklahoma Department of Transportation will be presented an industry award for the US-281/Route 66 Bridgeport “Pony” Bridge in Canadian County, completed in advance of the 2026 Route 66 Centennial Celebration.
  • ODOT Executive Director Tim Gatz will update commissioners on the upcoming legislative session and status of federal funding.
  • The commission will vote on whether to award several contracts, among them a unique engineering contract for the US-70 Roosevelt bridge over Lake Texoma, continuation of a widening project on SH-33 near Langston and resurfacing projects on I-35 south of Pauls Valley and on US-69 between Muskogee and Wagoner.The meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3, in the R.A. Ward Transportation Building, 200 N.E. 21st St., Oklahoma City. Members of the public and media are invited to attend or watch the livestream video online.

The full agenda packet may be viewed here.