A northern Oklahoma landowners group is calling on Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt to adopt an immediate emergency moratorium on green energy projects in the state.
In a letter to the governor, leaders of the Garfield County Conservation Coalition questioned why he is “contrary to President Trump’s stance on so called “green energy.” They openly asked why he was still supporting the Green New Deal in Oklahoma.
“If you are serious when you say you want to “protect the Oklahoma way of life,” then you must implement an immediate and emergency moratorium on industrial solar complexes, wind turbine complexes, and merchant private transmission lines currently under construction or in the proposal process to presere the hundreds, if not millions, of acres of productive Oklakhoma farmland targeted for these projects.”
They asked him again in the letter that was also posted on Facebook whether he would support a moratorium on the green new deal in Oklahoma. The four leaders of the Conservation Coalition reminded Governor Stitt that Oklahomans have seen an increase of 35% on electricity bills and thousands of Oklahomans are standing up against the enroachment of the “green energy” corporations in their communities and near their homes.
“But the people of Oklahoma are not able to protect their non-participating land because our state lacks any site planning, coordination, approvals, oversight, or permitting for these projects! These corporations like to stay in the shadows and enjoy no oversight while bulldozing over the citizens’ rights surrounding the projects.”
The four leaders of the organization charged that the projects are financed with federal and state subsidies “and the ‘green energy’ corporations are targeting Oklahoma to fill their pockets with these subsidies BECAUSE there is a lack of regulations and oversight to protect the people.”
The group also said farmers and ranchers are doing everything they can to defend the conversion of agricultural land into industrial solar complexes, wind turbine complexes and transmission corridors, “we are asking you as Governor to stand with us!”
The letter was signed by President NeAnne Clinton; Vice President Lea Smith; Secretary Suzanne Hunter; and Treasurer Laura Hofferber.