Energy bills go before House Committee


A state House Committee will meet Wednesday morning to consider a number of energy bills ranging from the state’s well plugging fund to required meters on water wells.

HB1369 by Rep. Brad Boles calls for oil and gas drillers to meet required “financial ability to comply with the requirements for
plugging, closure of surface impoundments, removal of trash and
equipment as established by the rules of the Commission and by law.”

Another bill by Rep. Boles is HB1370 which  makes changes in the dates of the Corporation Commission Plugging Fund. Instead of terminating some of the provisions in 2026, the Boles bill would change the date to 2036.

HB1371, a third Boles bill, proposes changes in the payment of proceeds under the Production Revenue Standard Act, “providing that proceeds that are undeliverable or uncashed shall not earn interest; and providing an effective date.”

A fourth bill to be considered by the committee, HB1807 by Rep. Carl Newton, concerns waters and water rights.

“The Oklahoma Water Resources Board shall require that all
water wells requiring a permit to take and use groundwater from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board be equipped with water well flow meters or an alternative measuring system as defined by the Board. ”

Newton’s bill creates a five-year allocation permit and the required reporting of annual usage of water well flow.