Oklahoma sees a gain in rig activity


Oklahoma was one of three oil-producing states that saw an increase in rig activity in the past week, according to the most recent Baker Hughes Rig Report.

Oklahoma gained one to reach 45 total rigs, compared to the 42 rigs reported one year ago.

New Mexico saw a gain of 4 rigs for a total of 106 compared to the previous week while North Dakota’s rig activity increased one to 33 total rigs.

The count in Texas was unchanged at 277 rigs while Louisiana’s 29 total rigs was the same as the previous week. The Red Top Rig Report in Kansas showed the state’s total of 17 was the same as last week.

Colorado stayed at 9 rigs while Ohio continued with 9 rigs. Pennsylvania remained at 15. Utah’s count of 11 rigs was unchanged. West Virginia stayed at 10 rigs and there was no change in the rig count of 19 in Wyoming.

The U.S. count saw a gain of six to reach 582. The oil rig count improved by 7 to 479 rigs while the gas rig total fell one to 98. the number of miscellaneous rigs was unchanged at 5, according to Baker Hughes.

The U.S. count in the past week was down 37 from a year ago when the total was 619. The decline included a loss of 20 oil rigs and 19 gas rigs while the total of miscellaneous grew by two.

The nation’s offshore rig count fell by one to 13 in the past week and is six less than a year ago.