The court fight by Cimarron Link against several landowners in Garfield County apparently has ended. Cimarron Link, the subsidiary of Invenergy had sued the landowners who had refused to allow its surveyors onto their land as the firm made plans to construction a large transmission line from the Panhandle to eastern Oklahoma. OK …
December 29, 2024 archive
Report shows power outages don’t happen as often as you might think in Oklahoma
Power outages. To homeowners and businesses, there might be nothing more troublesome than losing electrical power, whether it’s due to severe weather or to a traffic accident taking down a power pole. A report filed earlier this year with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission showed an average utility customer in the state experienced an average …
Methane gas emissions plunge in the Permian Basin
A new report from researchers claims that methane gas emissions in the Permian Basin nose-dived 26% in 2023 from the previous year. The claim comes from analysts at S&P Global Commodity Insights who studied the methane gas emissions that have been the focus of federal agencies as well as environmental organizations critical of the …
Former Corporation Commission Judge dies
Former longtime Administrative Law Judge at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Patricia Alice Dougherty MacGuigan died the day after Christmas. She served as an ALJ with the Corporation Commission’s Oil and Gas Division from 2003 to 2021. MacGuigan earlier had been a judge and presiding judge of the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals, serving from …
Water Resources Board works to improve permitting process
The Oklahoma Water Resources Board is moving to speed up and also make easier its permitting process. In a recent announcement, the OWRB said because of new legislation regarding water rights administration in the state, it was ” increasing our capacity to speed up water right application processes and legal proceedings, streamline water use reporting …
Very few changes in drilling activity of oil/gas plays
The one oil play across the US with a gain in drilling activity in the past week was the Williston Basin, according to the most recent rig report from Baker Hughes Co. Located mostly in North Dakota but stretching into South Dakota, Montana and Canada, the Basin had 37 active rigs, an increase of …
New state water rule to be implemented in January
The Oklahoma Water Resources Board prepares to implement a new water rule focusing on annual water use reporting and enforcement. In an announcement in the past week,the Board explained its coming steps. Annual Water Use Reporting and Enforcement Annual Water Use Report forms will be mailed out to all permit holders in January, and …
Energy briefs
** 2024 saw a rise in U.S. sales of hybrid and electric cars, but more Americans are still buying gas-powered vehicles. ** Electric vehicle sales hit a new record in the U.S. in Q3, driven by attractive lease deals, financing offers and a growing appetite for affordable models among American car buyers. Despite all the political …
Iran’s power crisis shows how energy can be a weapon
The energy crisis that sent Iran to its knees is an example of what sanctions can eventually do to a country—especially one that is considered an enemy of the U.S. In the past few weeks, Iran’s lack of energy has resulted in closed government offices of some operating at reduced hours. Colleges are …