Broadband Governing board to get updates on growing projects

After launching an expanded broadband effort in the past few months, members of the Oklahoma Broadband Governing Board will meet Tuesday for an update on their projects.

The Oklahoma Broadband Governing Board will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 12, at the Harvey Parkway Building, Room 105, 301 Northwest 63rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73116.

Below is the agenda.

  1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Determination of a Quorum

2. Compliance with Open Meeting Act

3. Office Policy regarding Comments and Questions on Grant Processes

4. Opening Remarks by Chair

5. Status Report from Oklahoma Broadband Office and Possible Discussion

6. Planning Update on Grant Programs and Possible Discussion

A. American Rescue Plan Act – State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA – SLFRF)
B. American Rescue Plan Act – Capital Projects Fund (ARPA – CPF)
C. Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD)
D. Digital Equity Act (DEA)

7. Discussion and Possible Action on Committee Report(s)

7.1. Policy Committee
a. Presentation on proposed scoring criteria for the ARPA-SLFRF Middle Mile Program
b. Discussion and possible action to approve the scoring criteria for the ARPA-SLFRF Middle Mile Program

8. Discussion and possible action to adopt proposed amendments to Administrative Rules for the purpose of submission to the Legislature: 93:1-1-4 [AMENDED]; 93:1-1-5 [AMENDED]

9. Discussion and possible action to approve proposed regular meeting dates and times for 2025

10. New Business (Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting.) Title 25 Oklahoma Statutes Section 311(A)(10)

11. Next Meeting, Closing Remarks, and Announcements

12. Adjournment