While Oklahoma gained on its rig count in the past week, the nation’s number of active oil and gas rigs declined, according to the latest Baker Hughes rig count released on Friday. Oklahoma saw a gain of one rig to reach 39, the same count as one year ago. The U.S. recorded a …
September 2024 archive
Crude oil prices managed slight gain on Monday
While Monday was the Labor Day holiday, crude oil prices ended higher and managed to recover some, but not all, of the losses from late last week. The fact Libyan oil exports remained halted was responsible for the slight gain. Plus, there was a reported easing of concerns about higher OPEC+ production in October. The …
PSO’s $218 million rate hike request faces opposition by Attorney General
Public Service Company of Oklahoma finds itself in a struggle with the state Attorney General who wants Corporation Commissioners to nearly cut in half PSO’s $218 million rate hike request. The request was an almost immediate reaction to last fall’s decision by regulators to give PSO only about half of an original request …
Helmerich and Payne to seek investors at conferences
Executives of Helmerich & Payne, the Tulsa-based energy company, will be attending conferences this month in an effort to gain more investors. The firm’s President and Chief Executive Officer, John Lindsay will be joined by Senior Vice President and CFO Kevin Vann, Senior Vice President of Digital Operations, Sales and Marketing Trey Adams and …
Denver Federal Appeals Court at the center of an energy fight to protect national monuments
Rio Grande del Norte National Monument in New Mexico. The Denver Federal Appeals Court will have a big decision to make and it focuses on whether to protect national monuments or allow oil and gas exploration. At the heart of the issue is President Biden’s move during his years in office to set aside …
Mother lode of uranium discovered in Wyoming’s Red Desert?
A Canadian firm recently announced the discovery of a huge site of uranium in the central Wyoming Red Desert. Canada-based hedge fund Premier American Uranium Inc. says its early findings suggest that anywhere from 8 million to nearly 13 million pounds of uranium were discovered. The firm says it’s a significant discovery as …
Record oil production in Permian and Bakken Basins
Despite the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to eliminate oil and gas production, oil production in the nation’s two top regions, the Permian and Bakken basins, are turning out oil and gas at rates not seen in 13 years. It even has one organization, Macquarie Group, predicting the country’s crude production will be far stronger …