Journalists call for government intervention to stop Permian Basin pollution

Flames from a flare stack at an oil refinery against a dark sky


While a new economic report shows how the oil and gas production in the Permian Basin is adding billions of dollars to the ecocnomy in Texas, New Mexico and the US, two journalists want a massive cut in energy production—-all in the name of reducing methane gas emissions. They also say the government should step in and enforce provisions to stop the pollution.

The opinion piece might run into a lot of opposition in those cities and counties where Permian production by oil and gas companies, including some from Oklahoma, are adding revenue for schools and roads.

Who wrote the piece? Jusstin Mikulka who covers the industry for Oilfield Witness and Sharon Wilson, director of Oilfield Witness.

“The oil and gas industry has proven it will conduct business as usual when it comes to methane emissions, continuing to cause pollution in exchange for bigger profits,” they wrote.

Mikulka and Wilson contend the only answer is for strong government intervention.

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