The claims that a drunken Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Todd Hiett groped a man at a national convention in Minnesota prompted fellow commissioner Bob Anthony on Tuesday to call for Hiett’s resignation.
Anthony did so in a filing with the commission saying the “horrifying behavior compromises Corporation Commission integrity and Hiett must resign.”
Within a few hours, Hiett issued a defiant response, indicating he will not resign.
“As a Commission, we are facing a heavy workload including numerous rate cases with a tremendous potential impact to ratepayers. It would be a detriment for me to step aside from my responsibility to balance the interests of ratepayers to those of the utilities. Commissioner Anthony’s filing comes as no surprise. He’s repeatedly accused other Commissioners and OCC employees of various things over the years without actively participating in the work of the Commission, which has often resulted in just two Commissioners deciding the merits of the cases that come before us.”
Anthony stated that the June incident at the Mid-America Regulatory Conference in Minnesota wasn’t the only such report he’s been told about Hiett’s drinking activities. As Commissioner Anthony stated in his filing, “numerous current and former commissioners from across the country have reported to me a history of similar behavior at meetings and conferences in multiple other states.”
(The above picture showed Hiett, Anthony and Commissioner Kim David in attendance at a MARC commissioner conference.)
Commissioners Anthony and Hiett attended the Minnesota conference but Anthony did not witness the alleged incident.
“The behavior that has been described is beyond “inappropriate” or “offensive” and is no “joke.” It is horrifying, disgusting and probably criminal. Alcohol is no excuse for it,” asserted Anthony in his filing.
He went on to declare that Hiett’s “so-called apology is insufficient and unacceptable” and only compounds the offense.
“I call on Commissioner Hiett to resign his office immediately. There can be no tolerance for his actions, especially when directed toward persons whose companies, industries and/or jobs will otherwise continue to be directly affected by the regulatory decisions he makes. The situation is untenable. Neither getting sober nor sincerely apologizing can resolve it.”
Anthony said Hiett’s immediate departure would be the only corrective action possible to restore any functional level of integrity and credibility to the business conducted at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
Anthony contended that what makes the incident even more serious and “aggravates the offense even further” is that it reportedly involved an attorney or representative of an Oklahoma utility that makes appearances before the Corporation Commission on which Hiett sits as a judge.
Anthony further explained that tribunals such as the Commission have a responsibility to protect their own integrity and as a State officer sworn to support, obey and defend the Oklahoma Constitution, he has a constitutional duty to “correct abuses” and his responsibility is clear….he must call for Hiett’s resignation.
The fully-footnoted version of Commissioner Anthony’s statement is available online here:
The apology referred to by Commissioner Anthony was part of a statement released by Commissioner Hiett:
“Over the last few years, I have fallen into the trap of using alcohol to combat stress. I am appalled and ashamed by what I have been told about my behavior while drinking in a social situation at a recent conference. I have no memory of this incident.
I acknowledge the seriousness of this situation and upon learning of this event, I immediately sought treatment. I am currently under the care of expert physicians and counselors to treat this affliction.
Over the past 30 years, I have been blessed in business and in politics. Most of all, I have been blessed with a strong, supportive family. I would humbly ask for your prayers, support and discretion as our family, with God’s help, works through this very difficult time.
I take full responsibility for my actions and apologize to anyone who was offended by my behavior.
With a strong faith in God and a strong family to support me, I am very optimistic for the future.”