A day after reporting increased earnings in the second quarter, Tulsa’s Williams announced a major contract to supply gas over a 3-year period to Chattanooga Gas, a subsidiary of Southern Company Gas.
The deal calls for Williams to provide certified, low-emissions NextGen Gas, which according to the announcement, will allow Chattanooga Gas to achieve a minimum annual emissions reduction savings of approximately 646 tons of methane, or 16,152 tons of carbon dioxide. The amount is roughly equivalent to removing the emissions from more than 3,500 gasoline-powered automobiles from the road for one year.
Through its Sequent Energy Management business, Williams has built a marketing platform to sell trusted low-carbon and net-zero NextGen Gas to utilities, LNG export facilities and other clean energy users with the goal of helping customers reduce emissions and meet their climate commitments.
“As we look to a low-carbon energy future, Williams is committed to leading our industry with credible solutions to benefit our customers,” said Chad Zamarin, Executive Vice President of Corporate Strategic Development for Williams.
“We are proud to work with Chattanooga Gas to provide clean energy solutions through our NextGen Gas program that proves the quality of low-carbon intensity natural gas. Through our industry-leading Sequent marketing platform and large-scale infrastructure network, we are committed to connecting the best U.S. production basins with credible low-carbon solutions that help our customers meet their sustainability goals.”
Williams is deploying its NextGen Gas platform across its vast infrastructure network, leveraging block-chain secured technology to track and measure emissions through the aggregation and reconciliation of multiple sources of data to provide a path-specific methane intensity certification.
An advanced QMRV (quantification, monitoring, reporting and verification) program deploys technologies including ground-based optical gas imaging cameras, aerial flyovers, satellite monitoring and internal operational systems, which are aggregated and reconciled using a block-chain secured carbon accounting ledger, allowing Williams to provide a certification that meets or exceeds industry leading measurement protocols.
Source: press release