The Oklahoma Broadband Office is starting all over on its list of projects to be considered for a preliminary allocation of $382 million in American Rescue Plan Act money.
It decided to do so following concerns of the members of its governing board as well as complaints from internet service providers.
Executive director Mike Sanders said a review of the previously proposed projects and supplemental inquiries showed that some of the state’s most challenging geographical areas would not be serviced under the OBO’s original criteria adopted in July reported NonDoc.
The Oklahoma Broadband Expansion Council will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 16, in the First Floor Conference Room, Suite 105, 301 NW 63rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73116. The Council serves in an advisory role to the Oklahoma Broadband Office.
1. Call to Order
2. Compliance with Open Meeting Act
3. * Possible discussion, revision, and vote to approve the minutes of the Council meetings of June
21 and July 19, 2023
4. Opening Remarks by Chair
5. Update from Oklahoma Broadband Office
6. Development update on Oklahoma Online Broadband Mapping Portal
7. Planning update on Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (“BEAD”), Digital Equity Act
(“DEA”), and America Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) programs
8. * Approval of 2024 regular meeting dates and times – Review, Discussion, and Possible Action
9. Update on national workforce survey of broadband employers
10. Updates from National Telecommunications and Information Administration (“NTIA”)
a. Workforce requirements under BEAD
b. Possible additional funding round for Middle Mile projects
11. * Committee reports with discussion and possible action on recommendations
a. Adoption Rates & Digital Opportunity
b. Policy Impacts
12. Discussion of possible agenda items for next meeting
13. Closing remarks and announcements
14. Adjournment
* Indicates anticipated action.