Rep. Cole pushes for more roll backs of Biden energy policies

Work on Fiscal 2018 Budget On Hold - Roll Call


Oklahoma Congressman Tom Cole took on the President this week for refusing to reimpose solar panel tariffs on China even though the country skirted U.S. law.

Writing in a weekly column, the Republican Representative from Moore, stated, “The joint resolution passed in the House last week will overturn the Biden Administration’s ill-advised rule implementing Biden’s proclamation, hold the CCP accountable for its unfair trade practices and ensure the CCP cannot circumvent U.S. tariffs that have been in place for more than a decade.”

Cole said the U.S. cannot continue to ignore China’s unfair trade practices and sacrifice American manufacturing jobs on what he called the “altar of Green New Deal policies.”

He added the US. also cannot risk its energy supply chains becoming even more dependent on  its adversaries.

“Moreover, the president’s radical environmental agenda should not lead us to ignore the fact that the CCP relies heavily on the use of forced labor in its solar manufacturing industry, a clear human rights violation,” wrote Rep. Cole.

The Congressman is one of those highly critical of President Biden’s energy plans, including his depletion of the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

“By rolling back the Biden Administration’s disastrous anti-North American energy agenda, we can unleash our energy resources here at home, lower energy costs and ensure the U.S. is not reliant on our adversaries for energy sources,” added Cole.