OGE doesn’t anticipate power interruptions in extreme heat

California faces extreme heat that may push power supply to brink | Energy  News | Al Jazeera


Oklahoma’s largest utility, Oklahoma Gas & Electricity notified customers Wednesday that despite the triple-digit temperatures over the next several days, they probably won’t need to take any energy conservation actions at this time.

The utility also said it did not anticipate any power interruptions or so-called “rolling brownouts” due to extreme electricity demand.

OG&E said the Southwest Power Pool, operators of the power grid which covers Oklahoma, did not anticipate the need to ask for public energy conservation efforts or to order controlled service interruptions.

OG&E’s power generation fleet is operating and providing electricity to the grid. The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) declared a period of Conservative Operations across its entire footprint effective at 12 p.m., Wednesday, July 6, 2022, with an anticipated end at 10 p.m. on Friday, July 8, 2022, due to high temperatures, increased loads and wind forecast uncertainty.

The Conservative Operations declaration is a precautionary measure notifying all member utilities that they should make all necessary generating resources available to meet the high demand anticipated across the region.   

Source: OGE release