After a fight with Oklahoma over wind farm encroachment of nearby military air bases, NextEra Energy announced it will not proceed with construction of two wind farms in western Oklahoma. The 220-megawatt Minco V farm and the 250-Megawatt Crowder wind project were originally planned last year but were met with resistance from the Oklahoma Aeronautics …
May 18, 2019 archive
Permits to drill for May 17, 2019
Permits to drill issued on May 17, 2019. Caddo County GREEN 34-9-11 #1H, May 17 2019 03 8N 11W SWNWNWNW API: 01523311 Lat: 35.202829465156405, Long: -98.35388170890486 KAISER-FRANCIS OIL COMPANY HH, DR, 15457 ft, MARCHAND(10130) Ellis County ODWC 7-16-22 #1H, May 16 2019 06 16N 22W NWSESWSW API: 04523798 Lat: 35.884017485341104, Long: -99.58097377294366 KAISER-FRANCIS OIL COMPANY HH, DR, …
Completion reports for May 17, 2019
Completion reports filed on May 17, 2019. CANADIAN COUNTY Newfield Exploration Mid-con Inc Mississippian(8147): Oil 560 Gas 577 Water 255 Flow 1 14N 7W Okarche 1407 6h-12x, July 31, 2018 HH, OIL, TD: 17948 ft Lat: 35.71179, Long: -97.90359 API: 35017251900000 Newfield Exploration Mid-con Inc Woodford(8765): Oil 1023 Gas 1231 Water 308 Flow 1 14N 7W Okarche 1407 7h-12x, July 31, 2018 HH, OIL, TD: 19152 …