Far South Texas is getting another wind farm. The $200 million Palmas Altas project near Brownsville is being built by Acciona Energy USA.
The project will be the Spain-based energy company’s ninth wind farm in the U.S. and its second in Cameron county . The farm is located near the city of Bayview and the Roman Wind Farm which went online in 2016.stretching into a distance which lacks any view of a residence or farm building.
The construction phase of the Palmas Altas Wind Farm will employ a significant workforce, and once finished, 10 full-time Acciona workers will be located in the county.
The Palmas Altas Wind Farm project, over its projected lifespan of around 25 years, is expected to generate $40 million in local tax revenue and account for more than $44 million in lease payments to local landowners, Acciona officials have said.
Why Cameron County?
Acciona officials say their major new investment in Cameron County is based on several factors.
The breezy conditions off the Gulf of Mexico also play a major part, but maybe not for reasons apparent to a layperson when it comes to wind power and electricity demand.