Wind money goes to legislators who supported the wind industry

Oklahoma legislators who have supported the wind industry received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the American Wind action, an advocacy group for the wind industry. The money came as they campaigned for the June 26 primary election.

In all, the AWA reported spending $178,693 in support of friendly legislators including $30,035 for Rep. Harold Wright, R-Weatherford. The organization also contributed $38,037 to Chuck Hall of Perry, a Republican candidate for the state Senate.

The nearly $179,000 was spent on radio and digital ads. The American Wind Action is two years old and was founded in Washington, D.C.

Its website stated its goal:

“In addition to its primary focus on advocating for sound policies that will promote wind energy, AWA will engage in electoral activity including federal congressional races, as well as state-legislative races in multiple states where wind energy is important. AWA will deploy a leading-edge issue based, grassroots, and political advocacy campaign, growing in influence and reach over time as well as multiple state legislative races where wind energy is important.”

The American Wind Action has only two board members. One is Jeff Clark of Austin, Texas who heads the Wind Coalition and recently won a Texas Judge’s ruling against a subpoena to testify before an Oklahoma multicounty grand jury. Clark and an Austin political consultant were subpoenaed to testify about the electronic stalking of an anti-wind legislator from Moore.

The second director on the board is Sam Enfield, principal of Windline Development, LLC. He has been involved in the wind industry since 1992. Enfield is also a former President of the American Wind Energy Association.

Enfield and Clark were behind the 2017 TV ads in response to Oklahoma oilman Harold Hamm’s attacks on the wind industry.