Sanders vows to prosecute fossil fuel executives over climate change

If Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is elected, he vows to prosecute oil and gas leaders.

It’s what he pledged in a recent tweet, saying he would hold fossil fuel executives accountable after climate scientists expressed alarm over ExxonMobil’s projection of zero overall reduction in industrial emissions by 2040.

“Here’s a prediction: we are going to win, pass a Green New Deal, and criminally prosecute the fossil fuel executives who destroyed the planet,” Sanders said, in a tweet responding to an article published by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists—keepers of the Doomsday Clock.

Bernie Sanders


Here’s a prediction: we are going to win, pass a Green New Deal, and criminally prosecute the fossil fuel executives who destroyed the planet. 

Emily Atkin


ExxonMobil’s 2019 Outlook for Energy predicts “no reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector through 2040—and no date at which emissions reach net zero”

They are openly admitting they have no intention of trying to slow climate change. 

 Just how serious oil and gas industry leaders in Oklahoma might be taking Sanders pledge isn’t known.
Authored by climate scientists who have written for the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Bulletin article outlines how ExxonMobil and other energy companies declare their support for the 2016 international Paris Agreement, even though their own projections fail to align with its global warming mitigation goals.

“They are betting that global temperatures will rise well above the Paris Agreement targets,” said the Bulletin report of the fossil fuel companies. “For example, in ExxonMobil’s 2019 Outlook for Energy, the company projects no reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector through 2040—and no date at which emissions reach net zero, implying indefinite warming,”

Source: Newsweek