Linn Energy’s success in Grady County

Late completion reports filed by Linn Energy show the company with four successful oil wells in Grady County.

The wells are located between the Bridge Creek community and the town of Tuttle.

The largest, Collins 15-9-5 1H was completed in December 2017 with production of 957 barrels of oil a day along with 2,217 Mcf of gas. It is located 2 miles north of the Bridge Creek school.

Two other Collins wells were successful. The Collins 14-9-5 1h had production of 435 barrels of oil a day when it too was completed in December 2017. The Collins 11-2-9-5 1xh had December 2017 production of 840 Boed.

The fourth well, the Griffin 26-35-10-5 1xh had production of 583 Boed and 3,288 Mcf of gas. it is located about 2 miles northeast of Tuttle.