Legislator Tried to Blame Wind Industry for Some of Oklahoma’s Education Problems.

While an estimated 30,000 teachers walked out of the classroom on Monday and gathered at the state capitol, one legislator was blaming the wind industry for some of the funding problems in education.

The charge came from Rep. Bobby Cleveland, a Republican whose district 20 in the State House includes Cleveland, garvin, McClain and Pottawatomie counties.

He made the ‘wind industry’ reference during a live morning interview on News 9 stating he would not vote for any more education funding until there was “accountability” from the districts. Cleveland said he wanted to make sure extra funding made it to the classrooms.

“We’ve got too many school districts. We don’t need to keep raising taxes on  the back of people to do this. We got billions of dollars in tax credits. We’re giving wind millions of dollars every year. We can’t continue doing this,” said the legislator.