OIPA Defends Industry in Wake of Pawnee Earthquake


The Pawnee earthquake and subsequent action by the state to shut down more wastewater injection wells has drawn a statement from the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association.

“The Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association has released the following statement regarding the state’s recent seismic activity:

The OIPA and the oil and gas industry as a whole support the continued study of Oklahoma’s seismic activity, and will continue to work with the Governor’s Coordinating Council on Seismic Activity, the Oklahoma Geological Survey and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to assist in understanding seismic activity and its possible relationship to the oil and natural gas industry.

The OIPA has led cooperative efforts between Oklahoma oil and natural gas companies and the state’s researchers and regulators studying Oklahoma’s seismic activity, and the oil and natural gas industry is currently funding a research project to better understand the mechanics of the Arbuckle formation as it relates to seismicity. We are confident that the cooperation between public and private entities has offered a rational and reasonable response to seismic activity concerns. Despite the events of this past weekend, the number of seismic events in the state is on the decline.

As the state’s defining industry, oil and natural gas producers have a proven history of developing Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas resources in a safe and effective manner. That longstanding commitment to Oklahoma will continue as we develop a greater understanding of Oklahoma’s seismic events.

Founded in 1955, the OIPA is the state’s largest oil and gas advocacy group, representing more than 2,700 members in the crude oil and natural gas exploration/production industry or affiliated businesses.”