OKC Startup Battery Company Expands by 116 Jobs


An Oklahoma City battery company that works with electric car makers is creating 116 new jobs thanks to its participation in the Oklahoma Department of Commerce Quality Jobs Program.

The State says Spiers New Technologies, Inc., a startup company that’s just more than one year old, will expand operations through the program and get nearly $2 million in benefits over a maximum 10 years of participation in the program.

Spiers describes itself on its website as a “leading full-service provider of “4$” services…repair, remanufacturing, refurbishing and repurposing…for advanced battery packs used in hybrid and electric vehicles. The company says its services allow for the optimization of the life cycle management of the battery pack inventory.

Under the Quality Jobs Program, the state provides quarterly cash payments of up to 5 percent of new taxable payroll directly to the company. The says it benefits from new state personal income tax, sales and other consumption tax receipts as well as multiplier benefits from the added workers.