Two Legislators Argued It’s time to Stop Propping up Oil and Gas in Oklahoma


The passage of the bill creating a $12.5 million cap on tax credits for at-risk oil and gas wells in Oklahoma by the State House didn’t come without some opposition.

Although the 93-2 passage didn’t appear to offer much opposition, two Representatives, Cory Williams, a Democrat from Stillwater and Mike Brown, a Democrat from Tahlequah briefly debated against it.

“We’re propping up somebody that’s not profitable,” argued Rep. Brown. “If it’s not profitable, business doesn’t need to be there. Certainly doesn’t need government propping it up.”

Rep. Williams, a critic who has battled the oil and gas industry over drilling activity in the city limits of Stillwater spoke against keeping the credit alive.

“I just really fundamentally, and I don’t mean this in a sarcastic way, even a little bit, I fundamentally don’t understand the deals that get struck in this building.”

Brown also urged a no vote.

“This is one time that you need to push back to the friends that brought you to the dance. They write big checks, I understand that,” he implored.

Listen to the final minutes of debate.