List of Earthquake Speakers for Rep. Morrissette’s Public Hearing

Oklahoma City Rep. Richard Morrissette is moving ahead with plans for a Jan. 15 public hearing at the State Capitol to discuss earthquakes and the response of the state. Already he has a long list of experts and others who plan to speak at the day-long forum.

The Democratic legislator has released an early list of those who will attend and speak including: Todd Halihan, a hydrogeology professor at Oklahoma State University; Scott Poynter, the Little Rock, Arkansas attorney who represents Oklahomans in lawsuits filed over the 2011 Prague earthquake; Bob Jackman of Tulsa, a petroleum geologist and former U.S. and international oil and gas operator; Johnson Bridgwater, director of the Oklahoma Chapter of the Sierra Club and Michael Root, a certified petroleum geologist and certified independent professional earth scientist who is CEO of TerraQuest Corp. in Edmond.

“This is an extremely timely and important hearing,” said Rep.Morrissette. “I’ve received numerous telephone calls, emails and text messages from Oklahomans throughout this state who have expressed opinions about this subject.”

He will chair the event and Rep. Cory Williams, another Democrat who is from Stillwater will be vice-chairman. The hearing will begin at 9 a.m. in room 412-C at the State Capitol.